On Halloween this year, Florence + the Machine released a second album titled "Ceremonials." Before I begin spilling my heart out for this album, I must tell you about the very first time that I had ever listened to the band.
Last year, Florence had performed at the 2010 MTV VMA's. When Florence walked out on stage, I was immediately turned off by her dress, hair, and ghostly complexion. My roommate shot me a wide-eyed look and said, "What on Earth?!"
This fiery red-haired woman just appeared to be plain old strange, as I thought to myself, "Great... another Lady Gaga." Then Florence opened her mouth and proved me terribly, terribly wrong.
Check out her performance at the 2010 VMA's where she performed the song "Dog Days are Over," which later became the greatest hit off her debut album "Lungs."
I don't mean to sound cliche and/or weird, but Florence actually has the voice of an angel. Something about the emotion and passion in her voice is intriguing and enticing.
Anyway, I decided to check out her latest album this weekend. I was afraid that I wasn't going to like the album, or that it wouldn't be as good as the first one, but once again Florence proved me wrong. "Ceremonials" is amazing, and in my opinion, it is Florence + the Machine's best album yet.
RollingStone magazine writes, "Florence and the Machine's second album is as dark, robust and romantic as ever...Florence and the Machine are a true band, who channel garage-rock camaraderie into a huge, lashing sound more fit for an Olympian mountain peak than a garage."