Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Florence and the Machine: "Ceremonials"


    On Halloween this year, Florence + the Machine released a second album titled "Ceremonials." Before I begin spilling my heart out for this album, I must tell you about the very first time that I had ever listened to the band.

    Last year, Florence had performed at the 2010 MTV VMA's. When Florence walked out on stage, I was immediately turned off by her dress, hair, and ghostly complexion. My roommate shot me a wide-eyed look and said, "What on Earth?!"
     This fiery red-haired woman just appeared to be plain old strange, as I thought to myself, "Great... another Lady Gaga." Then Florence opened her mouth and proved me terribly, terribly wrong. 

 Check out her performance at the 2010 VMA's where she performed the song "Dog Days are Over," which later became the greatest hit off her debut album "Lungs."

    I don't mean to sound cliche and/or weird, but Florence actually has the voice of an angel. Something about the emotion and passion in her voice is intriguing and enticing. 

   Anyway, I decided to check out her latest album this weekend. I was afraid that I wasn't going to like the album, or that it wouldn't be as good as the first one, but once again Florence proved me wrong. "Ceremonials" is amazing, and in my opinion, it is Florence + the Machine's best album yet. 

    RollingStone magazine writes, "Florence and the Machine's second album is as dark, robust and romantic as ever...Florence and the Machine are a true band, who channel garage-rock camaraderie into a huge, lashing sound more fit for an Olympian mountain peak than a garage."

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/ceremonials-20111101#ixzz1f9bJRDGY

     Check out my ABSOLUTE favorite song off their latest album "Ceremonials":





Monday, November 21, 2011

Ryan Adams and the Cardinals at Carnegie Hall- NYC

    Ryan Adams and the Cardinals will be performing on Tuesday, Dec. 6 at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The concert will start at 7PM, as tickets are still on sale for $215. Needless to say, I will not be able to attend this concert due to my "starving college-student syndrome" and inability to afford such high priced ticket costs. However, let it be known that Ryan Adams is one of the most amazing musicians of all time, and that if one is able to take advantage of the opportunity to see him in concert, YOU MUST.

    Born on November 5, 1974 in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Ryan Adams soon became known for his singing/ songwriting career as an alternative-country/rock musician. In 2000, Ryan Adams released his solo debut, Heartbreaker. One of my favorite tracks off this album is titled "To Be Young." In 2001 Adams released his follow up album to Heartbreaker, titled Gold. His single  "New York, New York," off the album was created into a music video which featured Adams singing in front of the New York skyline just four days before the September 11th attacks. This led Adam's breakthrough to mainstream music consumers. 
   In May 2002, Ryan Adams joined Elton John on CMT "Crossroads" which brings together country artists with musicians from other genres. During the show, Elton John referred to Adams as "fabulous one" and spoke of how Heartbreaker inspired him to record Songs from the West Coast.

   About six years ago a good friend/ musician insisted that I listen to Ryan Adams. He always glorified Adams for his talent, wicked guitar skills, and ability to compose melodies that as an experienced musician, he found to be overwhelmingly appealing and challenging to re-create.

    Ryan Adams pours his heart out into every song that he writes/plays. Often, listeners can pick up on the struggles, obstacles, and pleasures that Adams has encountered in his life. His music has heart, soul, and everything else one would want to feel through any musicians songs. 

Here is one of my all-time favorite songs off the Album Easy Tiger, by the lovely Ryan Adams and his band The Cardinals. Enjoy!



Monday, November 14, 2011

Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds Coming to NYC

    This Friday (Nov. 18th) Tim Reynolds and Dave Matthews will perform at the United Palace Theatre in Manhattan, NY. The concert starts at 7:30 PM. Tickets are still on sale for the show, and they cost $180. 

    IF I was not your typical "starving college student," and I had all the money in the world, I'd pay every penny in my pocket to attend this concert. It has been several years since I saw Dave Matthews Band in concert, and it is safe to say that it was one of the greatest performances I have ever been to. Dave Matthews Band puts on a show that is indescribable by words. 

    The band's enthusiasm and full sound brings everyone in the audience together, as the overall mood of the crowd is driven by the music. Anyone that has seen Dave Matthews in concert is sure to admit that seeing Dave live, is an experience in itself. 

    Now, this Friday Tim Reynolds will perform with Dave Matthews. Tim Reynolds is known as one of the greatest guitarists of his time, and he has been playing for 35 years. Needless to say, the dynamic duo is sure to bring something special to New York that night.

    Here are a few of my favorite songs by Tim and Dave, ENJOY! 

Monday, November 7, 2011


    Today Conrad Murray, the doctor of Michael Jackson convicted of involuntary manslaughter, was found guilty.  As I continue to watch the flow of news outlets covering this bit of breaking news, I find myself in awe.
    Thousands of Michael Jackson fans gathered outside the court house in Los Angeles, eagerly awaiting the verdict. The second the verdict was announced, you heard a woman shriek due to joy... in the courtroom! So dishonorable.
    Then the cameras switched to the crowd outside as they all celebrated the decision. One woman was jumping up and down, better displaying her Michael Jackson shirt which read, "This is it," and she even went as far crossing the caution tape in front of her.
    Conrad Murray will receive a maximum of four years in prison, as he will also lose his license to practice medicine. His sentencing will take place on November 29th, but due to California's  prison overcrowding, Murray may be sent to a county prison versus time in state prison. For additional information about Conrad Murray and the trial visit:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Roots Release Concept Album on Dec. 6

Hip-hop legends, the Roots, recently announced that they will be releasing their first concept album titled undun, on December 6! So what is a concept album? It is an album that is fused together by a single theme whether it be instrumental, lyrical, or narrative. Questlove (drummer, music journalist, DJ) of the Roots, explained to SPIN magazine that undun is:
"...basically a tale about someone who makes one decision that completely undoes their entire life. And we tell the story backwards, so when you hear the record it starts at the very end of this character's life. We wanted to tell a cautionary tale but didn't want to do the cliché tale of a 'hood kid who does the wrong shit and then just dies."

SPIN- "So who, exactly, is the protagonist Redford Stephens?"
"Well, the album's name is inspired by the Guess Who song 
"undun." But we named the character after the Sufjan Stevens song "Redford" from his Michigan record. We imagined Redford as being like Avon Barksdale from The Wire. He's a good guy who could have just gone to college and been a great engineer or something. But he makes a bad decision and pays for it. We tell that story in 10 songs, under 44 minutes. Actually, Sufjan makes an appearance on the album, too."

Wow, I'm excited, and you should be too! The dense talent and passion that flows throughout each member of the Roots assures me that this album is going to be awesome!
Also, check out Sufjan Stevens if you haven't already! His music is light and soothing, as something about it is very inspiring and touching. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Doobie Brothers in New Jersey

Can you believe it? The Doobie Brothers are on tour, AGAIN. Unlike many other bands that have remained together through decades, The Doobie Brothers still have it! The Brothers have sold over 30 million albums worldwide, 3 multi-platinum albums, and 4 platinum sets.  Noted as one
 of the most popular Californian alternative/ country rock bands of the '70s, the Doobie Brothers evolved from a mellow, post-hippie boogie band to a smooth, soul igniting, rhythm and blues band by the end of the decade. Along the way, the Doobies gathered a number of radio hits. Some of those include.. "Listen to the Music," "Black Water" and "Long Train Runnin." I will never forget the first time I listened to the Doobie Brothers. My Dad and I were driving somewhere listening to the radio. As I always ride shotgun to ensure that I have special DJ privileges, I grew frustrated with scanning the radio. Until the Doobies came on. Their song "Black Water" had just started and my Dad turned it up, giving me fair warning to NOT change the station. Their named caught my eye at first, but then their music blew me away. The country sound really set the mood, as I put my head back and stared out the window. The Doobies brought me into music heaven, as they sang, "Oh black water, keep on movin' Mississippi moon won't you keep on shining on me." After the song was over, I asked my Dad several questions about the band, beginning with their name ('Doobie'). From that conversation I learned a lot about my Dad and what the music scene was like back in the day. I  couldn't get enough of his stories, nor could I get enough of the Doobies. Now, I am happy to inform fans of the Doobie Brothers, that they are on tour, and on November 2, they will perform in Englewood, NJ at the Bergen Performing Arts Center! For additional information and tour dates, check out their site!

Monday, October 17, 2011

King of the Blues

    Before I begin praising the King, I must suggest that as the reader, you play the video posted below...tell me if you can resist the groove.
Riley B. King, better known as B.B. King, celebrated his 86th birthday last month. B.B. King's first big break came in 1948 when he performed on Sonny Boy Williamson's radio program on KWEM which is out of West Memphis. In 1949, King began recording songs under contract with the Los Angeles-based RPM Records.
    "My very first recordings [in 1949] were for a company out of Nashville called Bullet, the Bullet Record Transcription company," King recalls. "I had horns that very first session. I had Phineas Newborn on piano; his father played drums, and his brother, Calvin, played guitar with me. I had Tuff Green on bass, Ben Branch on tenor sax, his brother, Thomas Branch, on trumpet, and a lady trombone player. The Newborn family were the house band at the famous Plantation Inn in West Memphis.”
    By the 1950’s King had grown to be one of the most influential and important names in the R&B music. Several of his greatest hits include “Everyday I Have the Blues,” “Sweet Little Angel,” "How Blue Can You Get?” “Hummingbird,” and “Thrill is Gone.” It is safe to say that King is a revelation to our music’s history
Rolling Stone rated King at no.3 in their “Top 500 Greatest Guitarists of All Time!” In this article, the writer suggests that in King’s song, “Three O' Clock Blues,’ you can hear his original and passionate style, juicing the country blues with electric fire and jazz polish.”.... I couldn’t help but agree!

    King is still thriving in his musical career, in fact, he is currently on tour. This Friday, October 21, I will be seeing King perform in Long Island, at the Paramount Theatre. I will be attending this event with much apprehension and gratitude for being able to experience what I’m sure will be another life altering show.